Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wow, that long since my last??? whoah....

Wow... didn't realize that it was so long between entries... sorry! It's not like there hasn't been things happening etc, au contraire! Been busy as a bee lol.
What has been keeping me busy? Well of course the ALCC! :P Don't be fooled by immitators (yes one has started up... ).
Personal wise... things have been up and down at times. Of course I was worried for my bestest friend (well technically wife but we really are just best friends now).... she's in London, UK, and when the riots happened I did NOT sleep at all worrying. But some good stuff happened too.
We had our Montreal Pride this month, and the ALCC was there. I helped at the booth on community day and as well marched in the parade. Mental note: latex female mask is NOT a good idea in that parade when hot.... it had to be removed halfway-ish lol. We had to sit and relax for a bit afterwards, in full gear too lol. The walk back to the car was... interesting! We still had our outfits on. Yep, lotsa looks :P
The Montreal Fetish Weekend is this weekend coming, and I will be at least attending the Latextacy Ball. Wanted to attend everything... but with clips not selling enough... had to settle for just Saturday. At least will be at the meet and greet and summat on Saturday during the day as well. Plus... my T-girl friend from Toronto is in and staying with me... we iz gonna haz fun! :D Lotsa bondage etc :D And she is soooooo damn adorable!!!
Well, will write something more of substance soon.... promise! Heck, maybe a review of the Fetish Weekend :D

Yes, it's been a while!

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Naked Bike Ride / Cyclo Nu Montreal

Wow, last Saturday I participated in the World Naked Bike Ride here in Montreal... and it's apparent I need to do more biking! :P Sore afterwards, but it was worth it.

It was to bring attention to society's reliance on fossil fuels, and to help push for alternatives. Worthy cause, and I for one would like to see electric and perhaps hydrogen driven cars pushed further and faster in research. And a better public transit.

We are killing our planet relying too much on fossil fuels. Yes, vehicles are needed, that is not to be denied, as well the fact that some simply cannot, for instance, bike. Or even take transit from where they live to where they work (which shows how poor some of the system is). But we do need to research better alternatives and do it faster.

Cannot remember who took which photos, I'll have to research the photogs, if you're one tell me which and I'll credit you:

Dollification in Montreal

For those interested in learning about Dollification, I will be giving 2 workshops at the ALCC/CCVA in July. One on July 10, the other July 13. See the ALCC site schedule or our Facebook page for the events as well.

Since it is 90 minutes, it will be given in English, but I will have the material available in French as well, plus there are usually some who can help translate for you if needed (I can as well, but if it requires too much I'll talk about it afterwards).

" You must RSVP at least 24 hours in advance at, in order to attend. If no RSVP’s have been made by 24 hours prior to the workshop, it will be cancelled.

Instructor: Vanessa Cummings
Cost: $15 per person

Ever want to be one of those "love dolls" that are sold in stores and online? Ever even just want to look like one? Want to play with a live human doll or have one to call your own? Just enjoy being a doll outside of the sexual pleasure of it? This workshop will show you how.

Dollification is fairly new, but growing fast in popularity. Sites such as "The Rubber Sisters" show just how popular this is. The cost of some of the items and materials sold to make yourself or someone else up as a doll shows this as well!

There are people who live the "doll lifestyle" and enjoy it. Believe it or not, dollification is a lifestyle for some. From looking like an anime character to looking like a sex doll... this workshop explores it all.

In this workshop we will cover:
- the doll fetish
- the why's behind dollification
- female masking
- other facial maskings
- the "doll body"
- the 'Femskin' and alternatives
- how to make your own doll outfit
- where to buy the masks
- the "doll lifestyle"

BIO: While fairly new to Dollification, only about a year, Vanessa Cummings (Vanessa Fetish) has embraced it, learned about it, promoted it, and has been working to be an actual doll herself in the "doll lifestyle" and has even been featured in "Hot Girls Magazine" in January 2011 -

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"How Dare I"???? WTF????

Went to the doctors today... and whoah... transphobia/ignorance is alive and well in Montreal!!!!

I get in there, go to the reception, give my health card etc, then go sit. Well... this totally ignorant woman says to me "How dare you come to a doctors office like that when there could be children there!" (she had one btw). Whoah... what???? I had on my olive drab slacks, and a red shirt... wtf??? I said as much "what the hell do you mean? I'm not dressed provacative". She said just showing up "as a woman".

Whoah, total ignorance and intolerance.

At least I had not only the staff come to my defence, but some of the patients. One Muslim woman told her "what is wrong? If she has to be herself what concern is it to you?" and one Haitian dude told the woman to get out. The staff politely said "Madam, if you have a problem with her, please do be quiet and keep it to yourself, we will not stand for any form of hatred or discrimination, and if you do not like it we suggest you go elsewhere".

She was shut up pretty damn well. She did the "huff n puff" that those who realize that THEY are the ones wrong do, and have no recourse do. She shut up, but was red faced. She lasted at most 5 minutes and she picked up her kid and left. The poor kid with a look like "what is wrong mom" on her face because she obviously saw no prob and wondered why mommy was being that way.

So how dare I? Easy - I am me, you are you, you don't like me then that is your problem, and you can shut up n leave if you feel that strongly. I will NOT be denied my right to exist, and my right to health care.

The actions of the people in support did bring a tear to me. I was crying a bit and thanking them for being understanding, supportive, etc. As one eldery gentleman said "why wouldn't we be? You have a right to be yourself".

Friday, April 8, 2011

Politics... the necessary evil... ugh!

So, here in Canada we are upon yet another election. Ugh. And a really huh-yuuuge UGH over some stuff dying in our Senate because of the call, namely C-389 for trans rights and a veterans bill. Did I want an election? NO... not until the stuff that benefits passes like the two previously mentioned. Had they passed and made law, then hell yeah go for it. See, these two bills that died because of the election call affected me biggest. Why? Well duh, I am transsexual, and I am a veteran who has been bloody well fighting to get what I deserve. And this can potentially affect more who are in either situation or like me in both. The one in the drivers seat to ensure this passed was the NDP, and yes, I am rather upset at them for allowing this election to be called at this *point*. Yes, I have heard "well the Liberals or Bloc Quebecois could have stopped it"... but the Liberals are led by an utter IDIOT in Ignatief, and no matter would never vote to pass anything their opposite numbers wanted passed while having a minority government. The blockheads? They're a joke, they have only one interest in mind - separation, not Quebec's interests, Quebec separation, which is NOT in the interest of ANY Canadian. So yeah, Jack Layton and crew dropped the ball. That said, I will very likely vote NDP. No way am I going to vote for the Conservatives, no way for the Blockheads, and with idiot Iggy in charge of the Liberals there is NO way I'll vote for them. I may be pissed right the hell off at Jack and crew... but they are the only viable option (the Green Party just isn't ready to much yet despite some pretty good ideas). And, that said... there was no need yet for a call. The country was being run actually fairly good (those saying "oh scandal scandal!" in regards to Harper... remember - the Libs under Johnny the Cretin had a LOT more scandal that was a LOT worse. No, I am NOT praising Harper, just saying that because he had a MINORITY he had to cater to other interests than his own, which in some ways is better than a majority govt - because the minority govt has to bite the bullet and suck it up sometimes. And the budget? Heck, looked it over many times, not the greatest, but considering the crap going on in the world, it was passable. But Iggy wants to waste the countries money. Not just by calling an election that really was not needed *at this point*... but doing yet ANOTHER Liberal party idiocy - if elected cancelling the F-35. Ok, it may be a good plane, may not be, and no open tender was really offered. BUT... like the cancelled choppers of Johnny the Cretin's govt, this will cost us MORE in the end. It's maybe best to just buy them. They are not that bad a plane, yeah sure not proven yet, and only one engine (solved by our air refueling capability which knocks that argument out, and the fact the F-16 has proven itself as a single engine fighter/interceptor/bomber in many nations). But a) we have already invested money in the plane b) money would be put into CANADIAN companies by buying them c) we need top of the line planes and d) cancelling would result in both cancellation fees (like before!) AND a costly "evaluation/tender process". I like that Layton would invest money in ships for the Navy, but he does have to remember that the CF-18 is nearing it's end of life. They are breaking down, crashing, and costing a lot to keep flying now. Perhaps keeping some for Air Reserve units for domestic ops, but we need, IMO, 75+ actual NEW fighters. And the subs... scrap them... build new ones. PERIOD. Buying used has cost us MORE than it would have cost to buy 4-6 NEW nuclear subs (and yes we need nuclear subs because of the ARCTIC). Health care... right now the best platform is the NDP. Libs and Greens tied for second, the blockheads can be tossed out of the equation. We have a LOT of foreign trained doctors who actually have EXPERIENCE here in this country, driving cabs or working at fast food joints. Why? The CMA and its Quebec equivalent only favour LOCALLY trained docs, with US & UK as secondary. And in Quebec add in the stupid, dumbass LANGUAGE crap! Economy... well... hard to call there. They all have good ideas (throw out the Blockheads again... ). Yes, the Libs are probably the best for that, BUT... with Idiot Iggy in charge... I do not trust him. As for here in Quebec, I really urge Quebecois NOT to waste their vote on the BQ. It really IS a wasted vote. All the BQ has ever got us is TOKENS. When the province elected for the party in majority? We got MORE. How this is not seen is beyond me, since it is obvious.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sexual Orientation...

This entry but more the comments have encouraged me to write this entry.

Look, it is plain and simple, and if people with a small mind think I am "preaching" to them, then it shows their lack of actual knowledge on the subject of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is ALREADY there in you. It does NOT change.

Whatever you experience and move towards in your life is already *there*. It is just that you simply *have not realized it* until *that* point. It is ingrained in your BRAIN. It has been there since BIRTH.

If you are in transition, for instance, or after, and you find yourself attracted to people you were not before... it has NOT changed... it was ALREADY THERE. It was just simply something that has not "evolved" in you, moved into more focus.

As we go along in life, we will find ourselves "evolving" as a person. Things we either did not realize were there or were there and we denied, start becoming *clearer*.

Just like transition. Most deny it for years, decades even. Then bingo, something happens in our development, our personal evolution, that tells us "it is time - I have to be me".


Those thinking that they have "changed" their sexual orientation are FOOLING THEMSELVES. It cannot be done. Period. It is simply a person developing, realizing things. That is ALL.

But, if you want to remain a total utter wally, and think sexual orientation can be changed, fine, then join the uber right wing bible thumpers and go along with their "belief" that it can be.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bill C-389

Time to push the members of the Canadian Senate, to ensure that this bill goes through and becomes law.

For those who are unaware of what Bill C-389 is, it is to protect gender identity and gender expression. In other words, it protects those of us who are transsexual and as well the crossdressers/transvestites, gender fluid, etc, from discrimination etc.

Why do we need it?

Well, for one it means that if you are fired from your job or denied a job, for instance, because you are transsexual, you have a basis to file a discrimination case. It also means that you could not be denied housing even.

"But, hey whoah, Vanessa!" you say... "they surely cannot deny renting you an apartment just because you are trannssexual?" Oh yeah? Realllllly? Then why was the one and only time I presented as a male I got my apartment? And every single other time I was refused or given some lame excuse? Where they sound so willing and needing to rent the place, ask if there is any kind of things like references needed, etc, then when I show up to view the place there is all of a sudden such things then declared as being required? Or the applications that I made, showing that I could afford say $350 rent for a place, but yet not get? Yet I show up for this place, as a guy, show the same exact proof, for $495 a month, and I get it right there and then, no application, no wait?

Discrimination against us is rampant. Try finding a job that is not in a call center or somewhere where you are out of the public eye and as well out of the eyes of most employees. No way, Pedro! You will have one hell of a time, no matter your qualifications. There are always a crapload of excuses that are chosen from, among the most popular are "You are overqualified", "you are underqualified", "we have decided that we no longer need to fill this position".

Getting this bill through the Senate, and into law, is urgent. It would not surprise me to see Harper and his conservatives trigger an election for it's scheduled reading, so that it dies. We MUST push the Senate to get this through right now, period. It is far, far, FAR too important to die.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Avoid this site. That is unless you want to be ripped off if you are selling stuff (ie videos etc).

Their "customer service" is extremely lacking, and their communication skills with those who are selling stuff is almost non-existent.

Things started off good there. Yes, I sold a lot. And I brought them business as well. No more.

See, they say right on their page for your earnings for instance "Earnings for December 2010 will be paid mid-January 2011". Mid - that means anywhere between the 10th and 20th. When the funds were not paid by around the 21st of January, I asked "when is the payment being made?" They respond "anytime mid to end month". Fine, ok, wait. February now. I send another polite enquiry. NOTHING BACK. After 3 days with no response, I made it clear - I want my money, this is not acceptable when you are a business and you basically have a contract with the members who sell. You have the responsibility to meet acceptable payment dates on time.

What did that get me? My account suspended! With NO EXPLANATION. Oh that is really great and fabulous "customer service"!!!! NOT!!! I send one more through their "customer service" link... nada.

It took me looking up who owns the site on 5 different services to finally get one e-mail address. One thing is apparent - it was a proxy registration. SO DO NOT TRUST A SITE THAT PROXY REGISTERS!!!

At least I finally got a response in my e-mail this morning after I wrote that e-mail address. My funds are to be paid to me this week. It better be. If not, I will sue them, and the amount will be more than the $321 they owe me total.

The site was okay, the members are pretty good, the ownership/service sucks ass though. So my advice? Do not sell there, do not buy there. They want your money, they apparently do not care about anything else.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gender Mosaic

I will no longer support this "organization" in any form. You will not even see a link to it here. Why?

Because the members for the most part have shown themselves to be utterly intolerant of anything but themselves. If we, the "T Community", wish acceptance and tolerance, then we must accept, tolerate, and try to understand that which is different.

I will post below bits from the group:

"Australian P.M. & Muslims

Posted by: "Kellycd53" kellycd53
Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:15 pm (PST)


On my other e-mail addy , I just responded to
comments from the Australian P.M. , and added
my 20 $ worth

I am gonna catch hell , for this , from someone
I am sure

I don't care -- I have worked and lived beside
many cultures -- and been respected by most
Canada -- needs to wake up !!!

Time to close the doors to this country
and take care of our own 1st

I agree with the Australian P.M. totally

Kelly Ann"


Re: Australian P.M. & Muslims
Posted by: "Vanessa" ladydemonikats
Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:39 am (PST)

I highly disagree. First, labelling all Muslims based on the actions of a seriously bigtime minority is wrong. Do we blame all Christians based on the actions of "Reverend" Phelps and his cult? NO, we do NOT, do we?

Second, North America is founded on immigration, and the melding of various peoples from various countries. What we did to the natives and the Chinese and Japanese in the past has been condemned, and we know now it was wrong, don't we? Yet suggesting doing pretty close to the same to Muslims is okay? I think not.

Third, banning immigration or visitation for Muslims would only be the first step in ALLOWING discrimination on others. Don't think it isn't already there? The CIC already discriminates HERE based on being TRANSSEXUAL. Don't believe me? First, Tanya Bloomfield. Second, my wife. Both from the same area, Tanya Ireland I believe and Kitty from England. Both discriminated on because their passport says F but their birth certificates say M. Then there is me - denied entry into the UK, hauled aside because well, I stand out being a pretty tall TS, and all involved know why they targeted me. And others have as well.

Fourth do you KNOW any Muslims? I doubt it. I know many. Not one is a "terrorist" or scream out "kill the Jews" or "death to the west". And guess what, they *accept* ME as ME. Far more than most white, Christian, Canadians.

Take away their rights - then you give the rest of society to DENY OURS.


A response from someone who was even in the paper DEMANDING pretty much TOLERANCE!!!!:

Re: Australian P.M. & Muslims
Posted by: "linda slater"
Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:22 pm (PST)

I may have missed something here, but the Australian PM did not say to ban
Muslims, only if you don't like it here the way we live then she suggested
they could go elsewhere. That I agree with, don't change my world to match
what you are running away from. BUT BY ALL MEANS IF YOU LIKE IT HERE YOU ARE
WELCOME. Linda Slater

Response from a member who never had a clue and ALWAYS LIED:

Re: Australian P.M. & Muslims
Posted by: "Sophia Cassivi" sophialauraine
Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:27 pm (PST)

Dear friends, I do think that Gender Mosaïc's chatting group is good for all types of discussions, as long as they are respectful.

I do believe in respect of others as long as they respect me.

I remember that one of my tenants was a beautiful young early 20's blond university graduate. She was going out with this young handsome moderate Muslim and this for more than 6 months. One day I engaged into a discussion with them and he was very intelligent and kind and openly responded to all my questions. Everything was cool until I asked him if ever he has children, which choice of religion would the kids take?
He said, there is no choice, they will have to follow Islamic belief.
She said: This would mean I would have no say? And he said yes in a radical way.
I am not saying all moderate young Muslim's think this way but I must say that she and I where astonished to hear this coming out from such an intelligent person.
The next week, she had another boyfriend. I am kind of happy that I kind of opened both there eyes.

I love of freedom of speech and choice here in Canada, we still have some work to do. I know that with Bill C-389, the Liberal MP's from Scarborough Jim Karygiannis and Dan McTeague or Mr. Alan Tonks (York South—Weston) voters must have a certain pressure on there MP's and opinion of the TG community. Those guys although Liberals voted against us.
I am worried when highly religious people come in and influence MP's to vote against human rights.
I know that Conservative Minister Laurence Canon voted for us, I know he is in charge of the riding where I was born and believe me, this region is pretty cool and kind of liberated of the heavy hold we had from the french Catholic political influence we had in the past.
I am concerned when some people don't use the simple principles of life like respect, honesty, sharing, love, care, integrity and plain good sense and use instead laws and rules of a certain society or religion.
We are very lucky to have all this freedom, I have traveled many countries and would not trade Canada for any of them. I love my country, it is not perfect and we have made a lot of road to freedom in the past 100 years and should embrace this and educate any immigrant that comes in to learn how beautiful it became and how more beautiful we wish to keep it growing.
Many of my friends are from other religions, race, age or political beliefs, I do not ask them to change and don't expect to change for them.
They know I always offer them full respect as long as they fully respect me.


Sophia Cassivi

Oh really, a niqabi in Gatineau, huh? really? so out of the 4 odd etc in Quebec they allllll happen to be there? LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FUCKING FIRE YOU LYING CUNT! This hosebag has been nothing but a whiner anyhow, and liar, drama queen, etc etc etc... so her "view" is DISCREDITED.

More BS

Re: Australian P.M. & Muslims
Posted by: "cynthia-ray Cynthia-pete" cynthiapete1
Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:59 pm (PST)

Hello Linda & all;
I just had to say something at this point, and I do agree completely with
Linda. When one chooses to change their location/place of birth, they must
realize that they should not bring their problems and or troubles with them,
especially if they are the reason they are leaving. The idea of starting a new
life in a different country, should mean a new start to a new future, not
continuation of the old problems and or bringing them into a new life/land.
An Example, if we as TG 's , are given rights under the same laws as those
who are not TG's, great, but as Tg's , I am sure we do not expect everybody
else to change their beliefs or ways to suite us. Just abide with the laws.
Same thing should apply to peoples who come here hoping for a new life,
abide with the laws of the country, and not change to reflect the country you
left because of the problems..
Face it, this is Canada, we are what we are, and speaking as a TG and
proud canadian, I want to live in my own country , not to have it changed to
to a satellite country from which these problems came from.. and or
accommodate someone's beliefs ,only to find out that may over-ride my own
rights to be Canadian in the future..
My point of view and I am allowed to have one.
Take care now

This is just but a sampling.

Yes, I think ONE agreed that we need to be more accepting.

Listen... we start being intolerant of others, then why should WE, the "T 'Community'" expect it in return? Why should WE expect the bill in Parliament to be passed to give US protection, when we have so many INTOLERANT to others who are different?

The Gender Mosaic Executive did NOTHING to quell the hatred. That is what disappoints me more than the attitudes of some of the members. And the inaction of those afraid to stand up to "friends" over it. Because the Executive stood back, did nothing, I will no longer ever ever support them until a PUBLIC APOLOGY is made to the MUSLIM COMMUNITY.

If we wish, desire, demand if you want, acceptance and tolerance and understanding, then we are in NO POSITION to be hateful to others!

And by the way, some of us TRANS ARE MUSLIM!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Being Transsexual Is NOT About The Clothing!

Jillian Page's blog "Patent Pending" started off good, but sadly she has focused far far too often on one thing - clothing. What started good is now really just having many just shaking their heads and wondering.

Being transsexual is NOT about the clothes. Being transsexual is about, for instance, being the person you knew you should have been, and correcting that. I did NOT start transition just so I could wear a skirt!

Anyone who thinks they are transsexual and transitions for the clothing is doing it for the WRONG reasons. Get SRS after transition for this reason... you could likely end up "de-transitioning" or worse - killing yourself.

Do I like skirts, dresses, heels, etc? Yeah, sure, duh, but I did not go through the past 13+ years of hell and discrimination for the clothing! If that were my reason - I'd be a CD/TV, and have just been happy with that, since there is NOTHING wrong with being one (I really cringe when a CD/TV says to me "oh, I'm *just* a CD/TV"... be happy with it if that is what you are ffs!).

Do I wear skirts, etc? Yeah, duh. Not every bloody day, how many genetic women wear a skirt, heels, etc every single day? Extremely FEW. I have some casual stuff I wear day to day, but apart from that I reserve the "hot stuff" for going out, videos, events, etc (videos being the videos I make to help LIVE). Sure, I have a whack of pics n vids with me in "sexy stuff"... those are taken at or before going somewhere, or before a video shoot.

But the clothing is not what makes me a woman. What makes me a woman is what is INSIDE, who I am. Not what I bloody well wear. If a "transsexual" thinks that the clothing makes a woman... they are doing it for the wrong reasons and really need to look inside and ask questions. I put transsexual in quotes because if clothing as a reason is high up on your list of why, then you very very very likely are NOT transsexual. More like a CD/TV with a transition fantasy. There is nothing wrong with that, if that is what you are, then be HAPPY, but do NOT transition... you will regret it later on in life.

I have had people in the "trans community" lambaste me for making stuff that is essentially porn... well... sorry, I have to EAT you know. $1000 a month is not a lot to live on. Try it. Not easy. I have had these people tell me "since you do porn you do not represent us". I call bullshit. I, more than them, know the HARD life that being transsexual can be. The sad fact is that many have to resort to adult oriented work of some sort, and at least I am not selling myself on the street, even though that would bring me more money. My material is done by MY rules, it is ME who is in charge of what is made 99.9% of the time, no one else, thus EMPOWERING ME.

One who is doing damage to the "trans community"? Jillian Page and any other TS that focuses so much on the clothing. It perpetuates the stereotype that we are just in it for the clothing, and nothing more. That we ALL wear skirts, heels etc EVERY DAY.

I, for one, am saddened that such a person who had such an opportunity to focus on the actual hard life being transsexual can be, has blown it of late. Sandwiched between dozens of posts about clothing and "girly girl" stuff is the occasional tidbit, but sadly she has done harm to her credibility. How about talking to those of us who have it hard? Tell the world about actual cases of discrimination, hatred, etc?



Friday, January 28, 2011

Alternative Lifestyles

There has been a lot in the media here in Canada of late about the "Bountiful BC Polygamous". Let it be known that polyamory is NOT what is going on there. The vast majority of those in a poly relationship are NOT like the paedophile twit who is trying to hide behind religion. I have yet to meet anyone into poly who shares that asshats views or would even consider anyone not of legal age (18+ normally).

There are many alternative lifestyles, and what this "man" is trying to pass off as poly hurts those who are poly who should have some sort of legal recognition. Marriage is a man made institution, it is not something "sent by God". Man invented marriage.

Those in the alternative lifestyles community condemn this man, and those who would prey on someone under the legal voting age. This is NOT what it is about. This debacle has given poly a bad name, and it will take a long, hard fight to show people the truth.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Female Masking

As some know, I recently purchased a latex female mask. Yes, I am transsexual. Yes, I like the mask. The two cannot be combined??? WTF is that?

I've had some very "vanilla" friends say "WTF is THAT? WHY?" and some transsexual friends say "why? You're TS, you don't need one".
To the first - it's a latex female mask. Some, usually CD/TV, like them to "look female" because they think they cannot, others just because of what it is. Some of us like it for the FETISH. Yes, I have a FETISH for it. SO F***ING WHAT? And on top it is going to a) get me some PROFESSIONAL work, and b) help me with MY clip sales. Besides, I like it. SO F***ING WHAT?
To the second - see above. Yeah, day to day and most times I don't wear it, DUH. Yeah, I am TS. Yeah, I like the mask. SO F***ING WHAT?
Look, if it is not for you, FINE. I acknowledge it, I accept it. No problemo, okay? Now how about YOU give the same back to ME? Huh?
There is a whole COMMUNITY dedicated to these masks, and it is growing. They like them. SO F***ING WHAT? Not your kink? Fine. It is mine and theirs. 'nuff said. Dollspride is just one site and community site dedicated to it.
I like them. I think they look lovely, and for me as I said, it is a fetish.