Friday, April 8, 2011

Politics... the necessary evil... ugh!

So, here in Canada we are upon yet another election. Ugh. And a really huh-yuuuge UGH over some stuff dying in our Senate because of the call, namely C-389 for trans rights and a veterans bill. Did I want an election? NO... not until the stuff that benefits passes like the two previously mentioned. Had they passed and made law, then hell yeah go for it. See, these two bills that died because of the election call affected me biggest. Why? Well duh, I am transsexual, and I am a veteran who has been bloody well fighting to get what I deserve. And this can potentially affect more who are in either situation or like me in both. The one in the drivers seat to ensure this passed was the NDP, and yes, I am rather upset at them for allowing this election to be called at this *point*. Yes, I have heard "well the Liberals or Bloc Quebecois could have stopped it"... but the Liberals are led by an utter IDIOT in Ignatief, and no matter would never vote to pass anything their opposite numbers wanted passed while having a minority government. The blockheads? They're a joke, they have only one interest in mind - separation, not Quebec's interests, Quebec separation, which is NOT in the interest of ANY Canadian. So yeah, Jack Layton and crew dropped the ball. That said, I will very likely vote NDP. No way am I going to vote for the Conservatives, no way for the Blockheads, and with idiot Iggy in charge of the Liberals there is NO way I'll vote for them. I may be pissed right the hell off at Jack and crew... but they are the only viable option (the Green Party just isn't ready to much yet despite some pretty good ideas). And, that said... there was no need yet for a call. The country was being run actually fairly good (those saying "oh scandal scandal!" in regards to Harper... remember - the Libs under Johnny the Cretin had a LOT more scandal that was a LOT worse. No, I am NOT praising Harper, just saying that because he had a MINORITY he had to cater to other interests than his own, which in some ways is better than a majority govt - because the minority govt has to bite the bullet and suck it up sometimes. And the budget? Heck, looked it over many times, not the greatest, but considering the crap going on in the world, it was passable. But Iggy wants to waste the countries money. Not just by calling an election that really was not needed *at this point*... but doing yet ANOTHER Liberal party idiocy - if elected cancelling the F-35. Ok, it may be a good plane, may not be, and no open tender was really offered. BUT... like the cancelled choppers of Johnny the Cretin's govt, this will cost us MORE in the end. It's maybe best to just buy them. They are not that bad a plane, yeah sure not proven yet, and only one engine (solved by our air refueling capability which knocks that argument out, and the fact the F-16 has proven itself as a single engine fighter/interceptor/bomber in many nations). But a) we have already invested money in the plane b) money would be put into CANADIAN companies by buying them c) we need top of the line planes and d) cancelling would result in both cancellation fees (like before!) AND a costly "evaluation/tender process". I like that Layton would invest money in ships for the Navy, but he does have to remember that the CF-18 is nearing it's end of life. They are breaking down, crashing, and costing a lot to keep flying now. Perhaps keeping some for Air Reserve units for domestic ops, but we need, IMO, 75+ actual NEW fighters. And the subs... scrap them... build new ones. PERIOD. Buying used has cost us MORE than it would have cost to buy 4-6 NEW nuclear subs (and yes we need nuclear subs because of the ARCTIC). Health care... right now the best platform is the NDP. Libs and Greens tied for second, the blockheads can be tossed out of the equation. We have a LOT of foreign trained doctors who actually have EXPERIENCE here in this country, driving cabs or working at fast food joints. Why? The CMA and its Quebec equivalent only favour LOCALLY trained docs, with US & UK as secondary. And in Quebec add in the stupid, dumbass LANGUAGE crap! Economy... well... hard to call there. They all have good ideas (throw out the Blockheads again... ). Yes, the Libs are probably the best for that, BUT... with Idiot Iggy in charge... I do not trust him. As for here in Quebec, I really urge Quebecois NOT to waste their vote on the BQ. It really IS a wasted vote. All the BQ has ever got us is TOKENS. When the province elected for the party in majority? We got MORE. How this is not seen is beyond me, since it is obvious.