Thursday, June 16, 2011

Naked Bike Ride / Cyclo Nu Montreal

Wow, last Saturday I participated in the World Naked Bike Ride here in Montreal... and it's apparent I need to do more biking! :P Sore afterwards, but it was worth it.

It was to bring attention to society's reliance on fossil fuels, and to help push for alternatives. Worthy cause, and I for one would like to see electric and perhaps hydrogen driven cars pushed further and faster in research. And a better public transit.

We are killing our planet relying too much on fossil fuels. Yes, vehicles are needed, that is not to be denied, as well the fact that some simply cannot, for instance, bike. Or even take transit from where they live to where they work (which shows how poor some of the system is). But we do need to research better alternatives and do it faster.

Cannot remember who took which photos, I'll have to research the photogs, if you're one tell me which and I'll credit you:

Dollification in Montreal

For those interested in learning about Dollification, I will be giving 2 workshops at the ALCC/CCVA in July. One on July 10, the other July 13. See the ALCC site schedule or our Facebook page for the events as well.

Since it is 90 minutes, it will be given in English, but I will have the material available in French as well, plus there are usually some who can help translate for you if needed (I can as well, but if it requires too much I'll talk about it afterwards).

" You must RSVP at least 24 hours in advance at, in order to attend. If no RSVP’s have been made by 24 hours prior to the workshop, it will be cancelled.

Instructor: Vanessa Cummings
Cost: $15 per person

Ever want to be one of those "love dolls" that are sold in stores and online? Ever even just want to look like one? Want to play with a live human doll or have one to call your own? Just enjoy being a doll outside of the sexual pleasure of it? This workshop will show you how.

Dollification is fairly new, but growing fast in popularity. Sites such as "The Rubber Sisters" show just how popular this is. The cost of some of the items and materials sold to make yourself or someone else up as a doll shows this as well!

There are people who live the "doll lifestyle" and enjoy it. Believe it or not, dollification is a lifestyle for some. From looking like an anime character to looking like a sex doll... this workshop explores it all.

In this workshop we will cover:
- the doll fetish
- the why's behind dollification
- female masking
- other facial maskings
- the "doll body"
- the 'Femskin' and alternatives
- how to make your own doll outfit
- where to buy the masks
- the "doll lifestyle"

BIO: While fairly new to Dollification, only about a year, Vanessa Cummings (Vanessa Fetish) has embraced it, learned about it, promoted it, and has been working to be an actual doll herself in the "doll lifestyle" and has even been featured in "Hot Girls Magazine" in January 2011 -

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"How Dare I"???? WTF????

Went to the doctors today... and whoah... transphobia/ignorance is alive and well in Montreal!!!!

I get in there, go to the reception, give my health card etc, then go sit. Well... this totally ignorant woman says to me "How dare you come to a doctors office like that when there could be children there!" (she had one btw). Whoah... what???? I had on my olive drab slacks, and a red shirt... wtf??? I said as much "what the hell do you mean? I'm not dressed provacative". She said just showing up "as a woman".

Whoah, total ignorance and intolerance.

At least I had not only the staff come to my defence, but some of the patients. One Muslim woman told her "what is wrong? If she has to be herself what concern is it to you?" and one Haitian dude told the woman to get out. The staff politely said "Madam, if you have a problem with her, please do be quiet and keep it to yourself, we will not stand for any form of hatred or discrimination, and if you do not like it we suggest you go elsewhere".

She was shut up pretty damn well. She did the "huff n puff" that those who realize that THEY are the ones wrong do, and have no recourse do. She shut up, but was red faced. She lasted at most 5 minutes and she picked up her kid and left. The poor kid with a look like "what is wrong mom" on her face because she obviously saw no prob and wondered why mommy was being that way.

So how dare I? Easy - I am me, you are you, you don't like me then that is your problem, and you can shut up n leave if you feel that strongly. I will NOT be denied my right to exist, and my right to health care.

The actions of the people in support did bring a tear to me. I was crying a bit and thanking them for being understanding, supportive, etc. As one eldery gentleman said "why wouldn't we be? You have a right to be yourself".