Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Arrogance and Ignorance

It astounds me as to some of the arrogance and ignorance within the "trans community". This is part of why we cannot get our collective act together and get the rights we deserve.

For instance, the way some look upon those of us who work in the adult industry in any way shape or form.

I have recently been told (not for the first time) that I "give us a bad name" sort of thing, that I help perpetuate the belief all within the trans "community" are "whores". Oh? Really? So a woman, genetic woman, who does it has then made all women "whores"? Are ALL women regarded as whores because some women do porn etc? NO!!! So do NOT give me that crap. That is one dimensional thinking.

If you want to point fingers... point at those who frequent the sites like TVChix, Urnotalone, Birchplace, LVTG, etc etc etc. And even those who post photographs on Flickr etc. If anyone is perpetuating this "we are whores" shit, it is them. Go onto Flickr, for instance. How many have pics of them doing sexual acts? A LOT, perhaps about half or more. Go to the "TG personals" sites... how many are posting stuff like "make me your whore, I will do ANYONE at ANYTIME I am a slut!"??? A damn good number!!!

So the problem lies not with the minority of us who do adult work, but OUR OWN BLOODY COMMUNITY!!!! Those of us who do adult work are a SERIOUS MINORITY. Those who do what I said? A LOT MORE. So before throwing bricks, take a look at the rest.

Oh, and I do NOT make "a lot of money". You know how much I am LUCKY to make? At most $300 a month. That is it. Often it is a hell of a lot less. Usually $50-$150 is among the averages. So *I* do not make a lot of money, so before accusing me of making a lot... bloody well ASK ME how much I make on it.

Nor do I prefer doing it. I would much rather work in something that I am qualified to do. But guess what? There are FACTORS that dictate I cannot or would not even be considered let alone hired.

First being that I am a disabled veteran. I have a serious back injury. Not torn muscles either. It's an injury that affects my NERVES. I am in pain ALL day and EVERYDAY. At best I can manage 3 hours of any kind of work. Usually much less. How can I survive on the amounts that it would pay me? YOU TELL ME if you are so high n mighty!

Second being that I am, gee, TRANSSEXUAL! Wow! Do you know how many of us even get hired? Not as many as the high n mighty believe. The fact remains that a good number of us are NOT employed. Many are on social assistance. Some resort to escorting/prostitution. Some, few, resort to adult industry work. Those that find a job? Many are in call centers, since they will not have to be SEEN by the public. Some work menial jobs that are demeaning (more demeaning in some cases than escorting etc!). The LUCKY FEW who have high paying jobs really ARE lucky. Many of those are union jobs, so they have PROTECTION. Even fewer are self employed in a business that actually makes enough to live on.

So yeah, duh, I would LIKE to work, fuknutz. And I *am* working on OTHER avenues of income to help. But it isn't going to be a lot.

The fact remains that few employers will hire a transsexual. That is something we need work on, but we cannot do it if people have a holier than thou attitude towards those who have little choice but to do "demeaning things".

Stop fighting over terms, labels, etc. Stop putting down those who do what they have to in order to eat and stay off living on the street (I have been there, living on the street homeless is no fun as a transsexual). Stop even the fight over whether anything trans should be in the DSM IV. Just worry about getting our rights ffs!

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