Saturday, February 12, 2011

Avoid this site. That is unless you want to be ripped off if you are selling stuff (ie videos etc).

Their "customer service" is extremely lacking, and their communication skills with those who are selling stuff is almost non-existent.

Things started off good there. Yes, I sold a lot. And I brought them business as well. No more.

See, they say right on their page for your earnings for instance "Earnings for December 2010 will be paid mid-January 2011". Mid - that means anywhere between the 10th and 20th. When the funds were not paid by around the 21st of January, I asked "when is the payment being made?" They respond "anytime mid to end month". Fine, ok, wait. February now. I send another polite enquiry. NOTHING BACK. After 3 days with no response, I made it clear - I want my money, this is not acceptable when you are a business and you basically have a contract with the members who sell. You have the responsibility to meet acceptable payment dates on time.

What did that get me? My account suspended! With NO EXPLANATION. Oh that is really great and fabulous "customer service"!!!! NOT!!! I send one more through their "customer service" link... nada.

It took me looking up who owns the site on 5 different services to finally get one e-mail address. One thing is apparent - it was a proxy registration. SO DO NOT TRUST A SITE THAT PROXY REGISTERS!!!

At least I finally got a response in my e-mail this morning after I wrote that e-mail address. My funds are to be paid to me this week. It better be. If not, I will sue them, and the amount will be more than the $321 they owe me total.

The site was okay, the members are pretty good, the ownership/service sucks ass though. So my advice? Do not sell there, do not buy there. They want your money, they apparently do not care about anything else.


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