Jillian Page's blog "Patent Pending" started off good, but sadly she has focused far far too often on one thing - clothing. What started good is now really just having many just shaking their heads and wondering.
Being transsexual is NOT about the clothes. Being transsexual is about, for instance, being the person you knew you should have been, and correcting that. I did NOT start transition just so I could wear a skirt!
Anyone who thinks they are transsexual and transitions for the clothing is doing it for the WRONG reasons. Get SRS after transition for this reason... you could likely end up "de-transitioning" or worse - killing yourself.
Do I like skirts, dresses, heels, etc? Yeah, sure, duh, but I did not go through the past 13+ years of hell and discrimination for the clothing! If that were my reason - I'd be a CD/TV, and have just been happy with that, since there is NOTHING wrong with being one (I really cringe when a CD/TV says to me "oh, I'm *just* a CD/TV"... be happy with it if that is what you are ffs!).
Do I wear skirts, etc? Yeah, duh. Not every bloody day, how many genetic women wear a skirt, heels, etc every single day? Extremely FEW. I have some casual stuff I wear day to day, but apart from that I reserve the "hot stuff" for going out, videos, events, etc (videos being the videos I make to help LIVE). Sure, I have a whack of pics n vids with me in "sexy stuff"... those are taken at or before going somewhere, or before a video shoot.
Being transsexual is NOT about the clothes. Being transsexual is about, for instance, being the person you knew you should have been, and correcting that. I did NOT start transition just so I could wear a skirt!
Anyone who thinks they are transsexual and transitions for the clothing is doing it for the WRONG reasons. Get SRS after transition for this reason... you could likely end up "de-transitioning" or worse - killing yourself.
Do I like skirts, dresses, heels, etc? Yeah, sure, duh, but I did not go through the past 13+ years of hell and discrimination for the clothing! If that were my reason - I'd be a CD/TV, and have just been happy with that, since there is NOTHING wrong with being one (I really cringe when a CD/TV says to me "oh, I'm *just* a CD/TV"... be happy with it if that is what you are ffs!).
Do I wear skirts, etc? Yeah, duh. Not every bloody day, how many genetic women wear a skirt, heels, etc every single day? Extremely FEW. I have some casual stuff I wear day to day, but apart from that I reserve the "hot stuff" for going out, videos, events, etc (videos being the videos I make to help LIVE). Sure, I have a whack of pics n vids with me in "sexy stuff"... those are taken at or before going somewhere, or before a video shoot.
But the clothing is not what makes me a woman. What makes me a woman is what is INSIDE, who I am. Not what I bloody well wear. If a "transsexual" thinks that the clothing makes a woman... they are doing it for the wrong reasons and really need to look inside and ask questions. I put transsexual in quotes because if clothing as a reason is high up on your list of why, then you very very very likely are NOT transsexual. More like a CD/TV with a transition fantasy. There is nothing wrong with that, if that is what you are, then be HAPPY, but do NOT transition... you will regret it later on in life.
I have had people in the "trans community" lambaste me for making stuff that is essentially porn... well... sorry, I have to EAT you know. $1000 a month is not a lot to live on. Try it. Not easy. I have had these people tell me "since you do porn you do not represent us". I call bullshit. I, more than them, know the HARD life that being transsexual can be. The sad fact is that many have to resort to adult oriented work of some sort, and at least I am not selling myself on the street, even though that would bring me more money. My material is done by MY rules, it is ME who is in charge of what is made 99.9% of the time, no one else, thus EMPOWERING ME.
One who is doing damage to the "trans community"? Jillian Page and any other TS that focuses so much on the clothing. It perpetuates the stereotype that we are just in it for the clothing, and nothing more. That we ALL wear skirts, heels etc EVERY DAY.
I, for one, am saddened that such a person who had such an opportunity to focus on the actual hard life being transsexual can be, has blown it of late. Sandwiched between dozens of posts about clothing and "girly girl" stuff is the occasional tidbit, but sadly she has done harm to her credibility. How about talking to those of us who have it hard? Tell the world about actual cases of discrimination, hatred, etc?
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