Wow, last Saturday I participated in the World Naked Bike Ride here in Montreal... and it's apparent I need to do more biking! :P Sore afterwards, but it was worth it.
It was to bring attention to society's reliance on fossil fuels, and to help push for alternatives. Worthy cause, and I for one would like to see electric and perhaps hydrogen driven cars pushed further and faster in research. And a better public transit.
We are killing our planet relying too much on fossil fuels. Yes, vehicles are needed, that is not to be denied, as well the fact that some simply cannot, for instance, bike. Or even take transit from where they live to where they work (which shows how poor some of the system is). But we do need to research better alternatives and do it faster.
Cannot remember who took which photos, I'll have to research the photogs, if you're one tell me which and I'll credit you:
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