Monday, December 31, 2012

Reds Realm


Why pay for access there?  Seriously?

First, half of what is posted is lame. Second, all of what is posted for what they charge for you can find for free by simple TGP searches.

He's ripping you off. Big time. Don't pay. Want to find the material that he charges? For free? Go google for the TGP (Thumbnail Gallery Post). Don't waste your money. Seriously.

About 99.9% of the stuff he charges members for, I have found FOR FREE that way. Red is ripping you off, big time. Why? Because if you pay him then that shows you have little to no knowledge on how to find it. He is taking advantage of you.

And the free stuff??? Totally lame. Why? Because again, can be found for free. Even what he censors.

You want to pay? Go to the makers. Don't waste your money on the likes of Reds Realm. This guy is taking your money and laughing his head off at you. And he's a bit uneducated on a lot as well, which is a strike against him - doesn't like T damsels too much.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Stupid "TG" Label

I am SICK of the "TG" label. I am NOT "a transgender"!!!!


I will tell you why!

The term transgender was coined by a crossdresser (transvestite, same thing, translate the latin ffs...) as a slap in the face to those who are transsexual. In otherwords, it is an INSULT to trans.

I will also NOT participate in the "Transgender Day of Remembrance" until 1) it removes the TG label, 2) moves it so that it is NOT in the same time sphere as Remembrance Day (Memorial Day to Yanks) and 3) acknowledges Gender Queer and Gender Fluid.

I am NOT transgender.

I am almost anything BUT. Because TG is an INSULT!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Drama within the BDSM "Community"

This silliness has to STOP. It helps no one. Period.

Of late there has been a crapload of drama, hate, slander, hearsay, etc etc etc, within the Montreal BDSM "community". I will NOT add to it. I will only say this:


Those posting hearsay only hurt themselves. Those posting slander will only hurt themselves. Those feeding the drama will only hurt themselves the most.

This is all silly, stupid, childish, and not needed.

So please, please, PLEASE!!!!  STOP!!!!

Acting like a silly junior high student does not help.