Wow... didn't realize that it was so long between entries... sorry! It's not like there hasn't been things happening etc, au contraire! Been busy as a bee lol.
What has been keeping me busy? Well of course the ALCC! :P Don't be fooled by immitators (yes one has started up... ).
Personal wise... things have been up and down at times. Of course I was worried for my bestest friend (well technically wife but we really are just best friends now).... she's in London, UK, and when the riots happened I did NOT sleep at all worrying. But some good stuff happened too.
We had our Montreal Pride this month, and the ALCC was there. I helped at the booth on community day and as well marched in the parade. Mental note: latex female mask is NOT a good idea in that parade when hot.... it had to be removed halfway-ish lol. We had to sit and relax for a bit afterwards, in full gear too lol. The walk back to the car was... interesting! We still had our outfits on. Yep, lotsa looks :P
The Montreal Fetish Weekend is this weekend coming, and I will be at least attending the Latextacy Ball. Wanted to attend everything... but with clips not selling enough... had to settle for just Saturday. At least will be at the meet and greet and summat on Saturday during the day as well. Plus... my T-girl friend from Toronto is in and staying with me... we iz gonna haz fun! :D Lotsa bondage etc :D And she is soooooo damn adorable!!!
Well, will write something more of substance soon.... promise! Heck, maybe a review of the Fetish Weekend :D